This page explains present perfect tense in understandable language. It includes links which associate with important points in present perfect, such as the differences between present simple and past simple, ever, never, already, yet, since and for.
At this site, you can find an explanation for present perfect tense. Titles of the subject are ordered and all titles are on the same page. In addition, the site has some exercises for reinforcement. Graphics are used for time definitions.
This site has short information (quick grammar). Also, it has a short quiz with 5 questions.
This site includes information in both English and Turkish. There are several sentences about present perfect. You can reach some links about different points such as since, ever, and differences between past simple and present perfect. You can watch a video about present perfect tense.
You can find information in both English and Turkish. Titles of the subject are ordered and there are some exercises for reinforcement (the explanation in the exercises is in Turkish).
This site is for practice. You can find 19 complete quizzes. The explanation in the exercises is in Turkish.
This site includes quizzes to improve your knowledge. It includes 6 selections and every selection has 15 questions.
This page has one complete quiz. The explanation in the exercises is in English.
This site has one complete quiz. The explanation in the exercises is in English.